
Showing posts from January, 2021

Parshas Beshalach - Think Like a Leader

  💭 A Thought on the Parsha: Think Like a Leader      The Torah relates that it was not long after the B’nei Yisroel left Mitzrayim , that Pharaoh rallied the Egyptian army to pursue them. The sight of the Egyptian army approaching with 600 chariots frightened the B’nei Yisroel prompting a natural response to cry out to Hashem for help. Understandably, they also turned to Moshe rabbeinu and said, “Are there no graves in MItzrayim that you had to take us out to the midbar to die? Did we not tell you it would be better for us to stay in Mitzrayim ?” As their leader, Moshe attempted to calm them down by reassuring them that Hashem was on their side and there was therefore nothing to fear. However, the very next passuk strangely states, “Hashem said to Moshe, ‘Why are you crying out to me? Speak to the B’nei Yisroel and let them journey!” Rashi writes that you see from this passuk that Moshe too must have stopped to daven. Why? If Moshe himself was not concerned about being kill